Musings, interesting findings, and just dreams of a middle aged man

  • It’s been a while

    Well, I got to the ship and everything went off course. It’s only taken me a year and a half to get back to this site. I kept paying for it though. So, I guess I’m at least consistent, if nothing else. I’m now half way through my tour on the Nimitz. It has been […]

  • Settling in

    We had our household goods delivered on Tuesday. This new house is much smaller than our last one, so the garage is full of boxes while we sort through everything. Washington is a beautiful state. There is so much nature around us. You can tell that as the area was developed, care was taken to […]

  • Hello, Washington

    We arrived in Silverdale on Monday. The drive was full of long days, and I wish that we had taken more time to enjoy the drive. Unfortunately, the weather was the determining factor for how long we were to spend on the road and where we were driving. Looking at the forecast while we were […]

  • On the road

    We left on Monday, January 30th from Odessa, DE. We arrived in Charleston, WV that evening. While there we met with Aron’s cousin and her husband for dinner. Tuesday we drove to St. Louis, MO. We stopped in Louisville, KY for lunch and Mom and Dan drove up to meet us. Today, we’re driving to […]

  • Goodbye, Facebook

    So, I finally did it. I deactivated my Facebook account. I was finding myself jumping between Facebook and Reddit. I had deleted both apps from my phone, but I still found myself using Facebook through the browser on my phone. I just decided to deactivate it. I couldn’t just delete it outright though. I feel […]

  • Visit to Boston

    Aron and I visited Boston today. We visited the Boston Museum of Fine Art and the USS Constitution. My LDO/CWO class was able to get special access in the Constitution that the public normally doesn’t get to see.

  • First Post

    This is my first post. I’ve created this website really just to have something to mess around with. I don’t know where I’ll go with it, but I thought I would just use it to share things that I come across or anything that I find interesting. Maybe it’ll turn into something, or it may […]

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